Nov 29th, 2022

Does AI technology have the potential to replace human scribes?

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Tali AI Marketing
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Tali AI
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There are many areas where AI scribes are exceeding humans, with improvements occurring daily. However, there is a question as to whether AI technology can completely replace medical transcriptionists.

Table of Contents

What advantages does a human scribe have over AI scribes? 
What are the advantages of using AI scribes?
Can AI scribes replace human scribes?

It is undeniable that artificial intelligence (AI) technology has progressed rapidly in recent years and can now perform a wide range of tasks that once could only be accomplished by humans. When it comes to accurately recording patient data, can an AI scribe actually replace a human scribe?

With the increase in electronic medical records (EMR) time demands and the reduction in physician-patient interaction time, several effective strategies have been developed to minimize the physician's workload and shift the focus back on the patient. A human scribe and technology are two examples of the use of scribes that can minimize physician time on documentation and ensure that patients receive individualized care.

Studies have shown that AI-based solutions can exceed 99% accuracy, which is the best accuracy an average human scribe can achieve. As AI is consistent, and systematic, and learns from mistakes, it will become more accurate over time (more than most scribes would see within a lifetime), which is not the case for an individual scribe accuracy ranging from 50% to 76%. This kind of difference is not to be overlooked, as if inaccurate information is recorded, it could significantly impact patient care.

With the increasing use of EMRs, many physicians want but can't afford of human scribes to help them enter patient data into the system. This has led to the development of AI scribes, which are software programs that can enter patient data into EMRs. AI scribes have several advantages over human scribes (or medical transcriptionists). They are typically much cheaper to hire and they can work around the clock without any breaks. Additionally, as AI technology continues to evolve, it is likely that their accuracy rates will continue to improve.

What advantages does a human scribe have over AI scribes? 

Human scribes are used by medical professionals in various medical settings. They are also used in non-medical settings such as field laboratories, hospitals, and clinical laboratories. In many cases, there is no direct supervision or support when working with human scribes.

Highly skilled human scribes can provide a free resource for doctors and other healthcare professionals. Considering this factor, human scribes offer a valuable service that can help reduce the administrative burden on busy physicians.

What are the advantages of using AI scribes?

The advantages of AI scribes over human scribes are numerous. The first advantage is that they are typically much less expensive to hire than human scribes. In addition, they are able to work around the clock without taking breaks. It is important because many physicians need someone to enter patient data into their EMRs at all hours. The third factor is that as AI technology develops, accuracy rates can be expected to improve. It is crucial that patient data is entered accurately into EMRs since accuracy is an essential factor.

However, AI scribes may not understand the complexity of human communication, which might be a problem. Physicians often use slang or medical terminology when speaking with patients, which an AI scribe may not be able to interpret correctly. It could result in the incorrect recording of information and potentially put the patient's care at risk. 

Due to this, Tali utilizes advanced artificial intelligence and natural language processing, which physicians have said is capable of accurately transcribing medical terms. Additionally, as AI technology continues to evolve, it is likely that the accuracy rates of AI scribes will continue to improve. Therefore, it is likely that AI scribes will become more and more common in physician's offices as time progresses.

Can AI scribes replace human scribes?

AI ScribesHuman Scribe

Average Accuracy


50% - 76%

Learning Ability









Understanding of Human Communication



The answer is yes and no, AI can replace human scribes but there are some things clinicians must be aware of. There are many clinics that are using AI to reduce the number of transcriptionists and human scribes to increase efficiency. This means that more patients can get their medical records faster, which means better care for them and for the doctors who treat them.

AI also allows for more accurate medical records, which is especially important for clinical trials. A company conducting a clinical trial might have hundreds of patients involved in different phases of the trial, and each patient's data needs to be collected in the same way by multiple human scribes (or transcriptionists in other cases) in order to ensure consistency from one person to another and from one phase of the trial to another. Then they need to be entered into a database so that everything is accurate and consistent over time. 

AI scribes may be able to perform some of the tasks that human scribes perform, such as reading/coding certain types of documents or dictating messages over the phone. However, there are many differences between AI scribes and human scribes that make them have different roles within the healthcare industry. For example a human scribes are often used as evidence in court cases involving healthcare providers.

As it turns out, both AI scribes and human scribes have their own position in the healthcare industry.


In conclusion, AI scribes have emerged as a valuable solution for streamlining documentation in healthcare. Their advantages include cost-effectiveness, 24/7 availability, and the potential for improved accuracy. While challenges exist in understanding complex human communication, advanced AI technology like Tali addresses this. Tali offers the most accurate voice-to-text and summarization solution available. Experience the benefits yourself by trying Tali for free. Unlock enhanced productivity and precision in your practice with Tali's AI medical dictation and ambient scribe technology.

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