Sep 16th, 2022

Why Choose an AI-Assisted Medical Scribe Over a Human Scribe

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Tali AI Marketing
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Tali AI
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Automated medical scribes can simplify physician-EHR interactions, which can reduce the amount of time spent on documentation. In comparison to manually entering patient notes, using an AI medical scribe like Tali can be up to three times faster.

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Differences Between a Human-Scribe and AI-Assisted Medical Scribe
Tali's Solution: An AI Medical Scribe at Your Fingertips

The use of AI-assisted medical scribes has been rising, especially in recent years since more physicians have started looking toward electronic health record (EHR) automation for their practices. EHR automation and optimizing our use of standardized data support the creation of quality indicators and metrics for specialty care, which improves the overall patient experience.

Now the question becomes, is EHR documentation a leading driver of dissatisfaction when practicing medicine? A recent study has shown that during an average clinical visit, U.S. physicians spent 44% of their time on documentation while only spending 24% of their time on patient communication.

This interaction has indirectly led to a dissatisfactory patient experience as patients believe the physician is less receptive to their problems.

One way to reduce the time spent on documentation is using a medical scribe to streamline the interaction between the physician and their EHR system. A voice-enabled AI medical scribe like Tali is up to 3 times faster than manually keying in patient notes. As an established AI-powered medical scribe on the market, Tali also understands various dialects and common terminologies, meaning it can accurately detect a physician's dictated speech.

The physician won't have to worry about inconsistencies when scribing patient notes directly into their EHR systems and can instead focus on diagnosing and treating their patients.

Differences Between a Human-Scribe and AI-Assisted Medical Scribe

In-person medical scribes have traditionally been the go-to option for most physicians when they have too many patients to cater to. Most applicants for this role are medical students who want real-life industry experience, meaning the turnaround rates for new hires are considerably high.

With AI-assisted medical scribes, healthcare providers won't have to bear the additional costs from the hiring process and can instead focus on dealing with their patients. An AI-based medical transcription software also streamlines a physician's workflow by reducing the time spent on data entry and organizing their EHR.

Whether you're looking to take the traditional route or want to modernize your practice through an AI-assisted medical scribe, you should be excited as the medical scribe industry is one of the fastest-growing industries, with the market projected to hit US$33.7 Billion by 2028.

Tali's Solution: An AI Medical Scribe at Your Fingertips

Tali is a free voice-enabled virtual assistant that works atop all web-based EHR systems. With an AI-powered medical scribe like Tali, you won't have to worry about the typical human errors associated with a traditional medical scribe. Tali is a non-intrusive tool that's catered specifically to physicians who are looking at EHR automation solutions.

Unlike the other tools offered on the market, Tali is a highly accurate medical transcription software that makes the most of Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning. Interested in a demo session for Tali? Reach out to us here to learn how your practice can benefit from EHR automation.

Learn more about how Tali AI can transform your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) experience. Download Tali today or contact us directly for more information.

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