Jul 19th, 2023

How does Tali use data?

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Tali AI Marketing
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Tali AI
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Tali is a special program that writes down everything you say and your doctor says during your appointment.  Then, Tali takes that written record and creates a short summary of what was talked about. Your doctor will read it carefully to make sure it's right. This helps your doctor remember what was talked about during your appointment, and helps them take good care of you.

Table of Contents

What does Tali do? 
Why does your doctor want to use Tali? 
What happens to what I’ve said?  Where does that go? 
What about the written record of our conversation?
What about the summary of our conversation? 

What does Tali do? 

Tali is a special program that writes down everything you say and your doctor says during your appointment. 

Then, Tali takes that written record and creates a short summary of what was talked about. Your doctor will read it carefully to make sure it's right. This helps your doctor remember what was talked about during your appointment, and helps them take good care of you.

Why does your doctor want to use Tali? 

Because it lets them pay closer attention to you and what you’re saying, rather than taking notes at the same time. 

What happens to what I’ve said?  Where does that go? 

When you and your doctor talk in front of Tali, it will record what you both say.  It uses that audio recording to write out what was said.  Once that is done, that audio recording is deleted.  

What about the written record of our conversation?

Tali keeps a written record here in Canada.  It is kept to help the Canadian team who built Tali make sure that it is working properly.  Tali protects that information very carefully, in the same way that your doctor does.  

What about the summary of our conversation? 

After Tali writes down what you say, it sends what was written down to another program to create a summary of your conversation. But, before it gets sent anywhere, Tali makes sure to take out anything that could tell us who you are, like your name. This keeps your information safe and private.

The program Tali uses to create the summary is based in the United States. They'll keep what we send them, but only for 30 days or less. After that, they won't keep anything. 

Remember: by the time it gets to this program in the US, there is nothing in it that could tell anyone that it was about you.  Your information will be safe and private.

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