Aug 9th, 2023

How To Become A Medical Scribe?

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Haniyeh Hemmati
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9 min read
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Medical scribing is a rewarding and fulfilling career path for anyone interested in healthcare, medicine, and patient care.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Role of a Medical Scribe
Recognizing the Importance of Medical Scribes
Exploring the Duties and Responsibilities of a Medical Scribe
Qualifications and Skills Required
Education and Training Requirements for Medical Scribes
Essential Skills for Success as a Medical Scribe
Gaining Experience in Medical Scribing
Volunteer or Shadowing Opportunities for Aspiring Scribes
Applying for Entry-Level Scribe Positions
Leveraging Internships and Externships to Enhance Skills
Understanding the Electronic Health Record (EHR) System
Benefits of Pursuing a Career as a Medical Scribe
Building a Solid Foundation for Medical Professions
Developing Clinical Knowledge and Proficiency in Terminology
Enhancing Patient Interaction and Communication Skills
Advancing Your Career as a Medical Scribe
Pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development
Transitioning to Other Healthcare Roles from Medical Scribing

Medical scribes are trained professionals who work alongside physicians and other healthcare providers to document patient encounters, medical histories, physical examinations, diagnoses, treatments, and other relevant information in real time. Medical scribes help improve the efficiency, accuracy, and quality of medical documentation and the satisfaction and productivity of physicians and patients.

If you are curious about how to become a medical scribe, this blog post will guide you through the steps and tips to achieve your goal. You will learn about the role and importance of medical scribes, the qualifications and skills required, the ways to gain experience and find job opportunities, and the benefits and challenges of pursuing a career as a medical scribe.

Understanding the Role of a Medical Scribe

Before you embark on your journey to become a medical scribe, it is essential to understand what the role entails and why it is important in modern healthcare.

Recognizing the Importance of Medical Scribes

Medical scribes play a vital role in bridging the gap between physicians and patients and between clinical practice and electronic health records (EHRs). Medical scribes help physicians focus on providing quality care to patients rather than spending time on tedious and time-consuming documentation tasks. By reducing the administrative burden on physicians, medical scribes can improve the physician-patient relationship, increase patient satisfaction and engagement, decrease physician burnout and turnover, and enhance clinical outcomes and revenue.

According to a Stanford University School of Medicine study, medical scribes can increase physician productivity by 10%, reduce documentation time by 38%, increase patient visits by 8%, and increase physician satisfaction by 22%. Another study by Mayo Clinic found that medical scribes can reduce physician after-hours EHR work by 50%, increase physician satisfaction with work-life balance by 33%, and increase patient satisfaction with physician communication by 12%.

BenefitPercentage Increase

Physician Productivity


Patient Visits


Physician Satisfaction


Patient Satisfaction with Physician Communication


Exploring the Duties and Responsibilities of a Medical Scribe

Medical scribes perform various duties and responsibilities depending on the setting, specialty, and preference of the physician they work with. Some of the common tasks that medical scribes do include:

  • Accompanying physicians during patient visits and consultations

  • Recording patient information such as demographics, chief complaints, medical histories, medications, allergies, vital signs, etc.

  • Transcribing physician’s verbal notes and observations into EHRs

  • Charting physical examinations, procedures, diagnoses, treatment plans, prescriptions, referrals, etc.

  • Retrieving lab results, imaging reports, previous records, etc.

  • Assisting with order entry, billing codes, discharge instructions, etc.

  • Communicating with other healthcare staff such as nurses, pharmacists, receptionists, etc.

  • Following HIPAA regulations and maintaining patient confidentiality

  • Keeping up-to-date with medical terminology, abbreviations, standards, etc.

Medical scribes may also have additional or specific duties depending on their experience level, certification status, or specialty area. For example, some medical scribes may specialize in emergency medicine, dealing with high-pressure situations, fast-paced environments, multiple patients simultaneously, etc. Other medical scribes may specialize in dermatology, where they have to document skin lesions, biopsies, cosmetic procedures, etc.

Qualifications and Skills Required

To become a medical scribe, you must meet certain qualifications and skills essential for performing the role effectively and efficiently.

Education and Training Requirements for Medical Scribes

There is no formal education requirement for becoming a medical scribe. However, most employers prefer candidates who have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. Some employers may also require or prefer candidates with a college education or a bachelor's degree in a related field such as biology, health sciences, pre-med, etc.

In addition to education level, medical scribes also need to undergo training before they can start working. The training usually consists of classroom instruction and on-the-job shadowing under the supervision of an experienced scribe or physician. The training covers EHR systems, medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, documentation standards, HIPAA regulations, etc. The duration and content of the training may vary depending on the employer, the specialty, and the certification program.

Certification is not mandatory for becoming a medical scribe, but it can demonstrate your competence, professionalism, and commitment to the role. Two main organizations offer certification for medical scribes: the American College of Medical Scribe Specialists (ACMSS) and the American Healthcare Documentation Professionals Group (AHDPG). Both organizations require candidates to pass an exam and meet certain eligibility criteria, such as education, experience, or membership. Certification can also provide more job opportunities, higher pay, and career advancement.

Essential Skills for Success as a Medical Scribe

Besides education and training, medical scribes also need to possess certain crucial skills for performing the role successfully. Some of the essential skills for medical scribes are:


Typing and computer skills

Ability to type fast and accurately, as well as use various software applications and EHR systems

Listening and communication skills

Ability to listen attentively and communicate clearly with physicians, patients, and other healthcare staff

Attention to detail and accuracy skills

Ability to pay attention to detail and ensure accuracy in documentation

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Ability to think critically and solve problems in work situations

Teamwork and collaboration skills

Ability to work well with others in a team environment

Gaining Experience in Medical Scribing

To become a medical scribe, you need to gain some experience in medical scribing to help you develop your skills, knowledge, and confidence in the role. There are various ways to gain experience in medical scribing, such as:

Volunteer or Shadowing Opportunities for Aspiring Scribes

One of the easiest ways to gain experience in medical scribing is to volunteer or shadow a medical scribe or a physician who works with a medical scribe. Volunteering or shadowing can give you a chance to observe how medical scribes work in different settings and specialties, learn from their techniques and tips, and ask questions about their role and responsibilities.

Volunteering or shadowing can also help you build your network, resume, and portfolio and demonstrate your interest, commitment, and potential as a medical scribe.

Many organizations offer volunteer or shadowing opportunities for aspiring medical scribes, such as ScribeAmerica, ScribeConnect, and Local Hospitals and Clinics.

Applying for Entry-Level Scribe Positions

Another way to gain experience in medical scribing is to apply for entry-level scribe positions available in various healthcare facilities and specialties. Entry-level scribe positions are usually open to candidates with little or no experience in medical scribing but have some basic qualifications and skills such as a high school diploma or equivalent, typing and computer skills, listening and communication skills, attention to detail and accuracy skills, etc.

Entry-level scribe positions can allow you to work directly with physicians and other healthcare providers, learn from their feedback and guidance, and improve your skills and knowledge in medical scribing. Entry-level scribe positions can also help you earn some income, build your resume and portfolio, and advance your career as a medical scribe.

You can use many sources to find entry-level scribe positions, such as Medical Scribe Service Providers, Healthcare Facilities, and Online Job Portals.

Leveraging Internships and Externships to Enhance Skills

One option to gain experience in medical scribing is to take advantage of internships and externships offered by educational institutions, medical scribe service providers, or healthcare facilities. These programs are typically short-term, structured, and supervised, providing students or graduates with the opportunity to acquire practical experience in medical scribing while being guided by a mentor or preceptor.

By participating in internships and externships, you can strengthen your skills, expand your knowledge, and boost your confidence in medical scribing. These programs expose you to real-world scenarios, challenges, and opportunities across various settings and specialties. Additionally, internships and externships facilitate networking with professionals, obtaining valuable feedback, and earning academic credit or certification.

Understanding the Electronic Health Record (EHR) System

To gain experience in medical scribing, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the electronic health record (EHR) system widely employed by healthcare facilities and providers. The EHR system is a digital platform for storing and managing crucial patient information encompassing demographics, medical histories, medications, allergies, vital signs, lab results, imaging reports, diagnoses, treatments, and more.

For medical scribes, the EHR system stands as a vital tool for documenting patient encounters, recording physical examinations, entering orders, generating billing codes, and beyond. Utilizing the EHR system effectively allows medical scribes to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and the overall quality of documentation while facilitating seamless communication and collaboration with other healthcare staff.

Benefits of Pursuing a Career as a Medical Scribe

Pursuing a career as a medical scribe can offer you many benefits that can enrich your personal and professional life. Some of the benefits of pursuing a career as a medical scribe are:

Building a Solid Foundation for Medical Professions

One of the primary advantages of pursuing a career as a medical scribe is the opportunity to establish a strong foundation for various medical professions. Whether your aspirations lie in becoming a physician, nurse, physician assistant, physical therapist, pharmacist, or any other healthcare provider, working as a medical scribe can provide you with a distinct advantage over competing candidates.

By working as a medical scribe, you can obtain valuable letters of recommendation from physicians and other healthcare professionals who can attest to your skills, knowledge, and potential as a future medical practitioner. Furthermore, this role enables you to establish connections with fellow healthcare professionals, opening doors to invaluable advice, guidance, and career advancement prospects.

Developing Clinical Knowledge and Proficiency in Terminology

Working as a medical scribe offers the advantage of developing clinical knowledge and proficiency in terminology. This career path exposes you to diverse medical concepts, conditions, procedures, treatments, medications, and more pertinent to different specialties and environments. Additionally, being a medical scribe aids in acquiring and mastering medical terminology, abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and other linguistic elements commonly utilized in healthcare documentation and communication.

Enhancing Patient Interaction and Communication Skills

In addition to other advantages, pursuing a career as a medical scribe provides the opportunity to improve patient interaction and communication skills. As a medical scribe, you can engage with patients from various backgrounds, cultures, ages, genders, and more. This experience enables you to communicate with patients in a manner that is respectful, considerate, and empathetic. You can foster meaningful connections and contribute to a positive patient experience by honing these skills.

Advancing Your Career as a Medical Scribe

To pursue a career as a medical scribe, you need to advance your career as a medical scribe by continuing your education, professional development, and career transition. There are various ways to advance your career as a medical scribe, such as:

Pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development

One of the ways to advance your career as a medical scribe is to pursue continuing education and professional development that can help you update, upgrade, and expand your skills, knowledge, and abilities as a medical scribe. Continuing education and professional development can also help you maintain your certification status, earn new credentials, and increase your marketability, salary, and career opportunities.

You can pursue continuing education and professional development through various sources such as online courses, webinars, conferences, and books.

Transitioning to Other Healthcare Roles from Medical Scribing

Medical scribes can effectively transition into diverse healthcare roles by exploring career progression paths. This transition allows you to capitalize on the experience and skills gained as a medical scribe, applying them to fresh challenges and opportunities within the healthcare industry. By pursuing further education, training, certification, or licensure in fields such as physician, nurse, physician assistant, physical therapist, or pharmacist, you can successfully transition to these desired healthcare professions.


Medical scribing is an exciting and rewarding career path for anyone passionate about healthcare, medicine, and patient care. Medical scribes are essential members of the healthcare team who work closely with physicians and other healthcare providers to document patient encounters, medical histories, physical examinations, diagnoses, treatments, and other relevant information in real time.

To become a medical scribe, you need to understand the role and importance of medical scribes, meet the qualifications and skills required, gain experience in medical scribing, find job opportunities as a medical scribe, interview and secure a medical scribe position, and advance your career as a medical scribe.

Read more of our blog posts here.

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What is the role of a medical scribe and why is it important in healthcare?

Medical scribes play a crucial role in healthcare by assisting physicians and healthcare providers in real-time documentation of patient encounters, medical histories, diagnoses, treatments, and more. Their role involves ensuring accurate and efficient recording of information, which allows physicians to focus on patient care rather than administrative tasks. This improves the overall quality of patient care, enhances physician-patient relationships, reduces burnout, and optimizes clinical outcomes. Scribes act as a bridge between healthcare professionals and electronic health records (EHRs), streamlining communication and contributing to better patient experiences.

What qualifications and skills are required to become a medical scribe?

To become a medical scribe, candidates usually require a high school diploma or equivalent education, though some employers may prefer candidates with a college degree in related fields such as health sciences. Training is essential, involving both classroom instruction and hands-on shadowing under experienced scribes or physicians. While certification is not mandatory, it demonstrates competence and professionalism. Key skills needed include proficient typing and computer skills, effective listening and communication abilities, attention to detail, critical thinking, and teamwork. Medical scribes must also stay updated on medical terminology and documentation standards.

How can I gain experience and advance my career as a medical scribe?

Gaining experience as a medical scribe involves various avenues. Volunteering or shadowing opportunities with medical scribes or physicians offer firsthand exposure and networking opportunities. Applying for entry-level scribe positions in healthcare settings allows candidates to work directly with physicians, honing their skills and building their resumes. Leveraging internships and externships through educational institutions or healthcare facilities provides supervised practical experience. Developing a comprehensive understanding of electronic health record (EHR) systems is vital. To advance, continuous education and professional development options like online courses and conferences are available. Transitioning to other healthcare roles based on experience and further education is also possible. Feel free to ask if you need more information or have additional questions!

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